The set of utensils of the Great Official – Chinh Nhat Pham (The Four Pillars of the Court) – The four highest officials just below the king; playing the role of pillars of the court, higher than the rank of Thuong Thu (Minister).
For a temporary comparison, it can be equivalent to the Prime Minister or President, Chairman of the National Assembly of Vietnam today. Under the Khai Dinh Dynasty, the “Four Pillars of the Court” in addition to the first rank, these officials had to achieve one of the following four academic levels – Can Chanh Dien Dai Hoc Si - Van Minh Dien Dai Hoc Si - Vo Hien Dien Dai Hoc Si - Dong Cat Dai Hoc Si. Also known as the four pillars of the great academics – The position assisting the four above is: Hiep Bien Dai Hoc Si. The king chose these four high-ranking officials to be advisors and members of the Privy Council (the largest institute in the court).
When the king was absent or too young (not yet able to run the country) or there was chaos, these four were automatically members of the Regent Council, establishing the Regent Council, running the country on behalf of the king.